Financial Planning
Whether you are conservative or aggressive in your approach to financial management, IFS’s team can help you make the right moves, at the right times, with the right resources. Putting together a business and/or personal financial plan is delicate balance of asset/liability management, risk tolerance, timeline and research. Our financial planning services take every aspect of your financial landscape into account and devise the most appropriate scenarios for your review prior to moving forward.
Financial planning is integral to many business and personal situations, including:
• Family/estate planning – Maintaining and advancing the financial health of your family is an essential part of responsible financial planning. From trust funds to business transfers, life insurance needs to investment distributions, the successful transfer of wealth from one generation to the next has taken on even greater importance as the number of baby boomers maturing will continue to rise.
IFS builds family/estate financial plans that serve as the foundation of generational wealth accumulation and management. Our team of advisors will examine every aspect of your finances to make the most appropriate recommendations for the future of you and your family. Chief among these recommendations will be the mitigation of tax liability to ensure that the maximum resources are available upon your passing and that those resources remain available to your successors.

• Business – One of the dreams of entrepreneurs as they start a new venture is often the legacy that their business will provide to their children, and for generations to come. Whether that includes incorporating those children into the business for the eventual transfer of ownership or building the business for sale to benefit estate planning, every business has a distinct lifespan under specific leadership.
Creating a viable, sustainable financial plan for the fiscal development of a privately-held business is of vital importance. IFS is experienced in creating and executing financial plans that strive to increase both immediate and long-term valuation for maximum impact and minimum liability.
Our team is highly specialized in the financial management of privately-held businesses, especially when it comes time to transfer ownership to a successor or in the outright sale of the business to a third party. There are a multitude of conditions and considerations to take into account and IFS is with you throughout the process…and beyond.
• M&A – The Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) environment is highly volatile and can turn on the most seemingly mundane factors. That is exactly the reason that business owners who seek to buy or sell a business – in part or in whole – need the on-going financial planning that only an experienced firm like IFS can provide.
As part of an active financial plan, we follow every aspect of your business’s industry, competition and potential buyers/sellers. Managing your businesses valuation through the distribution of assets and liabilities is highly fluid and IFS delivers insight, research and experience to increase value.
Serving both buyers and sellers, IFS is able to keep abreast of market trends that will influence the final outcome of your M&A activity. Keeping these services under the watchful eye of a trusted partner means that you have an external resource that can provide emotion-free recommendations and advice.
Your personally-held business is just that…personal. We use our professional position to help you see past the minutiae and remain focused on the ultimate business goal for each transaction.